Sunday, September 9, 2007

Isles Players Show Off Jerseys

Single-game tickets for the New York Islanders went on sale yesterday and a couple of Islanders players were on hand to sign autographs. A couple of people who were there and took pictures have emailed them to me to share.

Wade Dubielewicz, Bruno Gervais and Richard Park kept fans occupied while they waited in line for tickets.

All three wore white road jerseys to the event. All of the photos I was sent have been added to the Islanders album in my official Rbk EDGE gallery if you want to see more.

Thanks to Kevin and Dale for the photos!

I'm still not crazy about these jerseys but here's another perspective. Dale said, "I think they do the jersey more
justice on the player than on a hanger."

Fair point.

By the way, if you have or know of any other photos for the Isles or any other team, feel free to email them to me at I'm always looking to expand the photo gallery.


Jonny said...

I feel so sorry for those ilses players having to wear those ugly jerseys...

Lucas said...

I love them.

Anonymous said...

Open a new page, check the old one (white or blue) besides this new one.

This one is waaaay better than the old one.

fsr said...

I like them a lot. Way better than the old one.

Eric said...

#34's sleeves look much looser than other rbk edge sweaters, i wonder if goaltenders can get special sizing or something.

Doug said...

The jerseys do look better on a person than a hanger. The seams still get me, they look stiff and rigid.
Just have to wait until they are all out in the stores and I can try them on.

johnny griswold said...

I really like the Islanders sweater!

-Josh- said...

"#34's sleeves look much looser than other rbk edge sweaters, i wonder if goaltenders can get special sizing or something."

yeah they have to have baggier sleaves cuz golies equipment is just to big for the narrow sleaving. Nike did the same thing with their international slim fitting jerseys, the goalies jerseys are alot different with nike's, so its probably the same thing here

Anonymous said...

For me, these Rbk sweaters look better day after day.

Can'y wait to try one on me.

Jason said...

Look at the hem at the back of Dubielewicz! That's awful!

tyboughner said...

i like them, better than thier old ones, they were to plain.

Kronis said...

No matter how many times I see the new jerseys, I'm not going to like them. The old one was a classic and shouldn't have been messed with. I'm pretty disappointed with the Isles' new look.
oh well...

Jason said...

Yes, I am aware that he is a goalie. I'm not a goalie or an expert on the subject, but I'm pretty sure most of the padding is at the front. I don't see how that will change the weird coat-tails look he's got going on there, but I hope you're right.

Ty said...

I do like how the horizontal stripes on the bottom hide the coat-tails. Nice touch.