| vs |  |
3-4 | 0-5 |
The Aesthetics
Both logos have simple color schemes. The Lightning logo lacks the movement seen in the Penguins. The hockey stick gives it a demerit but the Lightning logo goes all out with the team name. That doesn't win points.
The Nickname
If a Penguin got struck by Lightning, that would be that.
The Analysis
Not only is the penguin in the Penguins logo carrying a hockey stick, but he's donning hockey gear with the gloves and skates. It's cute — if he's in a comic book, not on the front of a jersey. The '90s era logo was an improvement, though I am a fan of the Vegas gold. Fortunately for the Pens, despite all of that, the Lightning logo's use of a '90s era lettering and a flat yet 3-D bolt wins them the point.
WINNER | 2-1 |  |