Congratulations go out to both the Buffalo Sabres and Hartford Whalers vintage logos! In an unprecedented event, voters at the NHL Tournament of Logos were evenly split on which logo they felt was best. After 3,136 votes, both logos finisehd with 1,568 each.
On a personal note, I'm shocked by the tie. I really didn't expect it. Although it makes sense to me that it happened in a championship round before any other round. I want to thank everyone who voted and participated in this poll.
And just to address the "controversy" — which is becoming a disturbing commonplace among some of you guys (I know, you can never please everybody) — nobody got "robbed." The polls are set to close automatically. Also if you check the original post, there is no longer a scheduled closing time of 11:59 PM as there used to be. I addressed that a while back. So just because the poll didn't close at 11:59 PM your time doesn't mean it didn't automatically close when it was supposed to.
Starting to love controversy, by the way. Maybe I"ll work that into the title of the blog. The Controversial NHL Tournament of Logos! Nice ring, but probably a bit too many syllables. Looking forward to the next tournament. Expect an announcement this afternoon!