Rbk EDGE Review: Capitals
Part 15 of 30. All 30 NHL clubs have unveiled new jerseys under the new Rbk EDGE Uniform System for the 2007-08 season. Here at the NHLToL, we're going to review every one of them. Read up and then rate the new sweaters. We'll do a full ranking after completing all of the reviews.

The Unveiling
Friday, June 22. The Capitals unveiled their new jerseys to fans at a draft day party in Washington.
Home vs. Road
Home: Red. Road: White. The two sweaters are essentially mirror images of each other and both feature secondary logo patches on the shoulders.
The red home jerseys feature blue piping that extends down the sleeves to the cuff where blue piping also goes around the wrist. A unique-shaped white stripe under the inside of the arm runs the length of the sleeve. A thin blue stripe goes around the waist a few inches above the bottom of the sweater. The collar is blue and the new primary logo serves as the crest.
The white road jerseys feature blue piping that extends down the sleeves to the cuff where blue piping also goes around the wrist. A unique-shaped red stripe under the inside of the arm runs the length of the sleeve. A thin blue stripe goes around the waist over red. The side panels are blue and the collar is blue. The new primary logo serves as the crest.
In The Details
The Capitals introduced new colors and a newly designed logo with these uniforms so the numbering and lettering style has also changed.
New & Old
Because the Capitals revamped their look entirely, the new uniforms bare no resemblance to the old ones in any way. It was a complete makeover.
Standard FAQ
Numbers on the front? No.
Laces at the collar? No.
NHLToL Editorial by Chris
I was disappointed by the Capitals' choice to return to colors that have been overused in the NHL and to a logo that is no more than a wordmark and symbolic of really nothing except the past. But even having said that, both have grown on me. That's why I think it's important I'm doing this reviews after all the new jerseys have had time to sink in a little. While I was a huge proponent of the bronze and blue era of this club, red, white and blue honestly seem to suit them best. And I love the new logo on the shoulder. Overall, while these uniforms have their quirks, they're certainly better than average. 4/5