Rbk EDGE Review: Canucks
Part 25 of 30. All 30 NHL clubs have unveiled new jerseys under the new Rbk EDGE Uniform System for the 2007-08 season. Here at the NHLToL, we're going to review every one of them. Read up and then rate the new sweaters. We'll do a full ranking after completing all of the reviews.

The Unveiling
Wednesday, August 29. The Canucks unveiled their jerseys to fans at GM Place in Vancouver.
Home vs. Road
Home: Blue. Road: White. The two sweaters are essentially mirror images of each other and both feature a secondary logo patches on both shoulders.
The blue home jerseys feature white-green-white stripes around the elbows and waist. The collar is white with blue trim on the inside. White text spelling out "VANCOUVER" is arched above the primary logo which serves as the crest.
The white road jerseys feature spaced blue-green-blue stripes around the elbows and waist. The blue on the sleeve beneath the green stripe extends all the way down the cuff. The collar is white with blue trim on the inside. Blue text spelling out "VANCOUVER" is arched above the primary logo which serves as the crest.
In The Details
The primary logo's coloring is slightly altered between the two jerseys. On the blue, the ice beneath the whale is white, while it's blue on the white jersey. The dark blue seen in the logo is featured nowhere else on the jersey itself. The stick-in-rink secondary logo featured on the shoulders is a modernized version of the classic crest worn in the 1970s. A new numbering and lettering style has been introduced.
New & Old
The most significant difference is the return to the team's traditional colors of green and blue along with the addition of the city name to the front of the sweater. The striping pattern is also completely different. The Canucks were going for a revamped look for this season and they achieved their goal.
Standard FAQ
Numbers on the front? No.
Laces at the collar? No.
NHLToL Editorial by Chris
All right, I'll come right out and say it. The Canucks hit it right on the mark with these sweaters. I hardly have a single complaint to lodge against them — realizing I'm in the minority by saying so. The colors are brilliant! The logos are improved. And they look great on the ice. While it's not my favorite element of the jersey, I'm not totally opposed to the wordmark above the crest, either. So it's not perfect, but it certainly has its redeeming qualities. I cannot get over the colors. Best color combination in the NHL if you ask me. (Well, second-best to the Lightning, really.) Color me impressed. 5/5