Since we're on the subject of the Buffalo Sabres and Pittsburgh Penguins today, I thought I'd share a few concept designs I thought were especially cool.

I'd consider the Sabres to be one of the best-looking teams in the league if they wore something a little like this. For one thing, the logo actually has sabres in lieu of a buffalo. Always a welcome change of pace if you ask me — you know, the whole thing about having a logo that actually represents the name of your team.
That being said, it should have a buffalo logo on the shoulder. My vote is for the white one you see in the vintage logo. Wrap a red outline around that buffalo and stick it to the shoulders and you've nearly got your winner. The other big change I'd make is to change the circle behind the swords to red. Either that or make the dark sweater red instead of black. Too much blending in there.
With those changes, I'd almost buy one myself and I'm not just saying that.

As for the Pittsburgh Penguins, this would be an improvement. This logo needs a bit of work, but it's got a ferocity lacking in the skating penguin. It's even got a nice shoulder patch with that hint of vintage. Any thoughts on this?
Or perhaps we could inject a little more of a retro feel.

Not only does this design reintroduce the blue sweater, but the designer even went so far as to add the city crest to the shoulders — taking a page out of Calgary's book. But actually, I don't hate it. My only hope is that the gradient thing is just for this graphic and wouldn't have any part of an actual jerseys.
We can dream, can't we? Anyway, leave your thoughts below. I'd like to see what the consensus is on all of this. It's pretty drastic compared to a lot of the work I post on a regular basis. And as always, my thanks to the artists.