Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Poll: Thrashers vs Sabres


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment as to how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Aug 22 @ 4:20 AM
Poll closing date
Aug 29 @ 11:59 PM



Edward said...

While the Thrashers logo isn't amazing by any stretch of the imagination, it beats that buffalo logo by a mile.

Buffaslug is an apt and deserved nickname.

Anonymous said...

I hate both of these logos especially when the Thrashers logo is but on a baby blue background.
But the Thrashers logo is just less ugly than a Buffaslug.

JP said...

The Caps get stuck going up against Boston but these two crappy logos get to duke it out? No fair! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine a scenario where any sane person would vote for the Sabres logo. It is by far the biggest embarassment in pro sports. The logo's designer should not have found any work designing this logo. The good people of Buffalo should be protesting in the streets. There is nothing good to say about this thing.

Anonymous said...

I think I refuse to vote for either one. When you look at Montreal or Boston or Detroit, can you really see either the Buffalo or Atlanta logos living on as "classics?"

Anonymous said...

The Buffaslug is worse that the fisherman. In fact, it is also worse that the Golden seals.

People in Buffalo should not go to a game until that monstrosity is gone.

Anonymous said...

I dont know, i sorta like the buffaslug. I dont even know whats going on with the thrashers logo so i voted for the Sabres.

Anonymous said...

the "thrasher" looks like a bird stuck in a tornado.

the buffaslug is just plain ugly.

vote: neither.

Anonymous said...

Seeing as how one of these logos has to move on I'm picking the lesser of the two uglies....

Thrashers I guess gets my vote....

Edward said...

I'm *AMAZED* that the buffaslug is getting as many votes as it is.

Truly makes me scratch my head. heh.

I guess the Thrashers logo is just that bad as well.

bruinbxr5791 said...

you know, most people dont like the "buffaslug" as sabres fans call it, but i kinda like it. its an improvement from the buffalo(arent logos supposed to be about the team name, not the location) and i REALLY dont see myself voting for the thrashers. sorry sabres fans.

Anonymous said...

If Buffalo used their original logo they would win hands down, but with the Buffaslug no chance, just such an un impressive logo when they had a good one already staring them in the face.
Atlanta by default, because that too is a crappy logo, just less so.

Anonymous said...

Thumper when you're talking about their original logo you're talking about the buffalo over crossed sabres right?
Because this new Buffaslug is even better than the gotahead logo.
I hated that one so much.

Orignal said...

The Sabres logos in some of the fans arts with the new crossed-sabres with a re-designed buffalo over could be very very nice. But the "buffaslug" makes me close my eyes. The Trashers win this poll. A design with the trashers head like the 2008 all-star logo could be great.

Anonymous said...

A toilet flush against Trumps toupee. A tough choice deciding which one is more horrible

Anonymous said...

The Buffalo logo is just not thought well at all. Besides, the Thrashers rule all!

Anonymous said...

i like the buffaslug's head. the horns are cool and the eyes menacing enough. it's the lack of feet and hideous coloring that make it look like an unfortunate result of copulation between a banana and a slug. with some heavy duty tweaking it might be something interesting. much as the old sabres logo is a "classic" it's still pretty ugly - so going back to that wouldn't exactly be an upgrade in my mind.

i think the thrashers logo is kinda cool, actually. i'd take the hockey stick away - we know they're a hockey team, we don't need a bird holding a stick to remind us. otherwise, it's not bad (and certainly better than their awful secondary logo).

my vote goes to the thrashers, even though i hate all things atlanta.

Anonymous said...

There should be a neither button.

Anonymous said...

The logo designed by John Slabyk for the Sabres would be a contender for the winner of the tournament

Anonymous said...

I actually like both of these logos. I would like the thrashers' more if they went with a darker blue. I don't think the buffaslug is that bad.

W.R. Little said...

The two worst logos in the game. Both look like they were designed by elementary students. But honestly, I think the thrashers one is worse. I can't believe I'm voting for the Sabres' logo.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Buffalo and can't stand anything from the south, but the slug-alo is pathetic. The only reason this poll is close is because of all the new Sabres homers. Why couldn't the Sabres tweak the original logo like Boston did? Tornado bird > banana slug.

Anonymous said...

I'm a sabres fan and would vote for every single other logo in the NHL before the travesty of justice that is the slug.

Anonymous said...

they are both ass ugly, no one should advance.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how a bird holding a hockey stick deserves any credit as a at legitimate logo at all. They're lucky their nickname is "Thrashers" 'cause you'd never guess it. The buffalo logo isn't great, but I'd take a raging buffalo over a little bird any day.

jeff chapman said...

i'm pressed to think the current sabres logo is worse than the isles' fisherman logo of 1995-97.

larry quinn's GOT to be smoking something.

Anonymous said...

both of these logos are terrible.

Anonymous said...

excuse me little bird no way that eagle design is way better than that stupid ugly living banana

Anonymous said...

die buffaslug die

Anonymous said...

make it so neither of these teams advance. whoever was supposed to get winner gets a bye

Anonymous said...

buffalo's original logo is the best but even their last loge before this was better actually it was prolly one of my favorites in the league but this one just flat out sucks btw thrashers got my vote

Anonymous said...

As horrible as the Thrashers logo is, no logo is worse than the Sabres.

Anonymous said...

I like Atlant's logo... well, except for the hockey stick. I hate when designers incorporate a damn hockey stick into the logo. We get it. It's a HOCKEY TEAM!

The Buffalo logo is not that bad. Better than that mountain lion that they had, but not as good as the original classic logo.

I vote Atlanta.

-Johnny Griswold

Anonymous said...

why dont sabres have main logos that have something to do with sabres or swords? they arent the buffalo buffalo

Anonymous said...

I Can't wait to see the New Uniforms for the Atlanta Thrashers!!

Go Atlanta..!!

Anonymous said...

sabres logo looks like a slug

Anonymous said...

Buffalo could have the worst hockey logo ever... and may have had one of the best ever... who the heck screwed that up ?

Anonymous said...

as we all know, both of these logos blow and the "winner" will certainly lose in the next round.

... it's not an eagle, it's a thrasher.

Anonymous said...

Simply two of the worst logos going in the league right now...they should have been scratched for the competition all together and each of their respective design firms set on fire.


Anonymous said...

The only thing I like about the Sabres logo is the colours they used. I love the yellow with the navy blue. Overall, it does look like a slug..I liked their other logo better (I still don't get why they changed?) As for the Thrashers logo, I think it looks good. It's not THAT bad. It's really original. My vote's for Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

the sabres logo is one of the best, at least it makes sense unlike the candiens logo, the red eye makes a sword and the horn and the blue atreak also makes a sabre. Also the shape of the buffalo forms a letter B. I voted for buffalo. GO SABRES

The Acid Queen said...

Anyone But Buffalo!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear god!

I can't believe I voted for the Thrashers logo. They're both so horrible.

I think I'll go take a shower now. I feel dirty.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of the thrashers logo, but anything is better than the buffa-slug.

Anonymous said...

IF it makes everyone feel better, the winner of this round will probably get the Flyers in the next round and get absolutely violated.

Anonymous said...

It's not very soothing to know that the team you love and its crappy logo are going down to a bird stirring himself with a hockey stick into a glass of Tang.


G-man said...

i went with trashers because almost any logo beats out the slug

Anonymous said...

I prefer the overhead Thrashers logo to this one, but both are still sharper than the Sabres logo.

Ryan said...

I'm a Sabres fan and I'm still voting for the um... thing with the stick. At least it's hockey related.

Now if you were using the original logo... then we'd talk.

Anonymous said...

sabres logo is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Two terrible logos (what can you do for a logo with the name Thrashers anyway???), although I do like the colour scheme of the buffalo jerseys. So I have to go with buffalo on this one.

Anonymous said...

Why do people hate the Buffalo symbol so much its way better then Atlanta's like seriously. Sabres gets my vote all the way and they are also my second fav team.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of either. The Buffaslug is a big downgrade from the old logo, but then I cant bring myself to vote for the horrible bird/snake holding a hockey stick.

Anonymous said...

I love the colors on the buffalo logo, but its just weird. Atlanta is too.

They both, indeed, suck.

Atlanta has been voted for.

Anonymous said...

a banana slug vs an hockey playing bird-tornado...though these are possibly the two worst logos in the nhl i gotta give it to the orange/red/blue bird/tornado for...originality??

Anonymous said...

Ho hum. Neither of them are great, but at least the Trashers didn't confuse their franchise name with their city name, a concept Buffalo still hasen't quite figured out after all these decades.