Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mixed Reaction To Canucks Makeover

It's officially official. At the time I'm writing this, there have been almost 150 comments posted on the previous post. Vancouver Canucks fans mostly seem to be upset by the new Rbk EDGE uniforms unveiled today at GM Place.

A lot of you guys seem quite unhappy. Specifically, you seem to loathe the wordmark above the crest. As a non-Canucks fan, I think it's great and that these jerseys are very sharp. Honestly, I don't have a single complaint. But I'm one voice against thousands. As a Lightning fan, I can somewhat understand your distress though. I've never been a big proponent of "TAMPA BAY" in the logo. At least the got rid of "LIGHTNING" in the new design.

Anyway, this post is about the Canucks.

The "C" on Markus Naslund's sweater is a little close to the wordmark on the chest, but it's not the end of the world.

The stylized stick-in-the-rink logo is an excellent touch that moves the uniform forward. And those colors — you can't beat them. I also find interesting the choice to put green on the jersey but not in the logo itself. A little unusual but that wouldn't be the first time.

That shot should offer a better look at the rest of the uniform as a whole. Nice touch with the logo on the pants. I'm adding all of these images and many more to the official Rbk EDGE photo gallery. Go check it out!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i find it funny that you (chris) have been fervently against wordmarks in logos, but now you have no complaints about this one?

Anonymous said...

yeah, whats with all ur caps hate if you like the Vancouver mark above the logo. at least the caps logo incoporates some hockey oriented things and has original font

Anonymous said...

Nicest sweater to be unveiled so far.

Anonymous said...

c'mon....the caps new logo it's awful!!!! the has history in it...i'm changing idea edry second I look at it...strange...begining to like it..

Anonymous said...

Like it a lot. Like many others I think the "VANCOUVER" is too much but otherwise it looks great. It's a mix of new and Vintage and at least they kept the bottom lines. Hurray.

However, the new RBK Edge "revolution" is too much for me. It starts to look a bit too much like European jerseys whick isn't really a good thing to my opinion.

Anyway, Vancouver jersey looks sharp.

Chris said...

i find it funny that you (chris) have been fervently against wordmarks in logos, but now you have no complaints about this one?

Hi all! It is kind of funny, actually. But just to be clear, that wordmark on the Canucks jerseys is not in the logo itself. It's just on the sweater — above the logo. The Rangers sweater only has a wordmark and I like it. What I don't like is wordmarks trying to pass themselves off as logos (Ducks, Capitals, etc).

That make any sense? (I say that trying not to contradict myself.)

Anyway, these are nice. I am very impressed with the Canucks. I liked the blue and maroon, but the blue and green blow it out of the water.

Anonymous said...

Actually on the web site, the Vancouver wordmark is incorporated above the orca which leads me to believe that Vancouver is officially a part of the new logo....

Anonymous said...

Those jerseys are crap!!! And its basically everything that was mentioned that bother me. They need to get rid of 'Vancouver', add green to the canucks symbol, id move the sripes on the jerseys need to be lowered. And is it me or do the players look ashamed to be wearing them?

Anonymous said...

it looks great!!
love the colours....

and the whale is fine...

andrew said...

I wasn't expecting's not really nice at all. The logo doesn't go with the uniform and the lettering above doesn't help it. The only things I like are the colours of the uniform and the secondary logo.

It is kind of starting to grow on me though...

Anonymous said...

I Like IT !!!

I think the majority of ppl who complain could never be satisfied anyhow...

cry me a river
welcome to 2007

Anonymous said...

I give the new jerseys an 8 out of 10, but would have liked to see "Canucks" on the Home jerseys and keep the "Vancouver" for the road jerseys. I was also hoping for "Johnny Canuck" on the Shoulder patch and maybe on a Third jersey. Otherwise, could have been a lot worse.

Anonymous said...

No third jerseys this season for any team.

If you go to Chris Creamer's website, you'll see a large set of secondary marks for the Canucks, including a Block V with Johnny Canuck's head at the top.

Anonymous said...

I really don't underStAnd the problem with these jerseys. I love the way Vancouver is presented moVing it into a morE basketball kind of jersey but it is unneCessary. The coLOurs of course look great and the stick iN rink is grEat. But as all the jerseys do thHey look super tIGHt, especially in the Luongo jersey.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone in Vancouver hates them just the nerds over at CDC who have been obsessing about them for months now...the colors are great and i think they look very sharp

Anonymous said...

can someone help me understand why the logo crest is a completely different color than is found in the rest of the jersey? That's the only part I don't quite understand, and can't figure out why that is. I can live with the rest of it, but why does it look as though they simply took the old logo, removed the red, and slapped it on the vintage template? The dark blue/black looks out of place.

Anonymous said...

the VANCOUVER is ugly for sure. far too busy of a jersey..

But the WORST aspect is the empty white jerseys w/ the horizonatal stripe on the bottom and a white tail beneath.. those lines are SO ugly. I can't believe anyone with a design eye would put that out - unless the loath the Canucks?

Suppose it's inline with Vancouver's history of some of the ugliest looks in the history of the NHL. +1 for consistency.

The Canucks are gonna look small and feeble on the road.. and that's before the puck drops and they get hammered by the Flames, Sharks and Avalanche.

Anonymous said...

Join the movement:

Fans Against the New Canucks Jersey

Anonymous said...

Terrible, MArketing simply to visitors leading up to and during Olympics...

Anonymous said...

I've been watching vancouver for the last 30 years and besides the skate logo in the late 80's early 90's this new jersey rules. By FAR the best new one out there. Canucks 2008 Stanley Cup Champions (We are all Canucks)

Anonymous said...

Wow...terribly designed jerseys. The Vancouver across the chest above the logo ruins the whole jersey.

I thought the Canucks jerseys were going to look great, but...YUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

The new Vancouver Canucks jerseys are not what I expected. I could use harsher words but other people have said enough about them so I don't need to add insult to injury. The VANCOUVER above the orca is stupid. The orca has been around long enough for people to know it belongs to the Vancouver Canucks. I would of used the stick in the rink and used it as the main logo and the orca on the sides.

Anonymous said...

I let it sink in for a minute before I made a comment...

They don't suck. And they're not the greatest either.

If they do two things, it would be so much more sensible.

1. Like another poster said, put 'CANUCKS' on the home instead of 'VANCOUVER.'

2. Try again with the proportions between the 'VANCOUVER' and the orca logo. Overall it should be smaller. I don't know if the orca should be larger than the text or if the text should be larger, but it probably shouldn't be a 50/50 ratio.

Lucas said...

You know, these are really growing on me. At first, I absolutely hated them, and everytime I look at them there are getting better.

Anonymous said...

The "new" uniforms are horrible. There is nothing new about them. They basically took the classic vinatge jersy and made an absolute mess of it by adding the whale. That took a year? That is the best that Mr. Nike (Zimmerman)could come up with? What a joke! No creativity no originality! I am a season ticket holder but i would rather listen to the game on the radio then watch them play in that jersy!

Anonymous said...

The colors are what I was hoping for, and while its not great, its not bad either.

Unknown said...

I am very happy with the new uniform. I was down at the unveiling today and I was really surprised to see the "VANCOUVER" wording across the front. I really like the look with the wording. It has that sort of classic look that we see more in others sports where the city or team name is across the front. The uniform over-all is crisp and clean. Getting rid of the red and gold accents really looks nice and gives it that west coast feel that is so Vancouver. When you look at the logo and the colours you really get the west coast feel. How many other jerseys and logo's make you think of the place they come from?

Unknown said...

should have just modernizes / stylized the old stick + rink logo instead of the Orca crap. It looks like some marketing guru decided all the elements it needed and forced some poor graphic designer to make absolute crud. It's like someone used a cracked copy of Illustrator with some scanned images. Throw it away.

canaan said...

Canucks Jerseys

heres a decent shot of the jerseys.

Anonymous said...

"Kyle said...

Save Clone High"

Dustin Gazongas said...

I'm not exactly thrilled by the word mark, but it doesn't take anything away from the jerseys.

I don't understand how Canucks' fans don't adore these - especially when you consider some of the abortions they've worn over the years.

After the Bruins, these are by far the nicest of the RBK Edge pack.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm actually kind of surprised people figured out the Save Clone High so quickly, but it has been in about all my big posts for the last few days.
Anyway, the jerseys are great in my eyes but would be better with no VANCOUVER but derek is right the jersey does feel really west coast

Anonymous said...

I must say I think the new jerseys are terrible...The best "concept" I saw in the previous weeks was

And to me this is a far cry from that. I knew they were going to keep the Whale so this was out, but I just think their new jerseys are terrible.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think the jerseys are fine. It will take some time for fans to get used to the VANCOUVER, but I think it will grow on people.

The horizontal stripe at the bottom gives me hope that the Oilers will do the same...

Anonymous said...

This is the ugliest Jersey I have ever seen. They made a huge mistake.

Anonymous said...

hey chris i think ur having the same problem that you did with the lightning logo thing where it doesnt show the udated logo in changing logos section.

Anonymous said...

I like alot of the teams new jerseys till now. One word EWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris said...

hey chris i think ur having the same problem that you did with the lightning logo thing where it doesnt show the udated logo in changing logos section.

Nah, it's just your browser. Try refreshing the page. That should do the trick. Either that or empty your cache and give it another shot. Thanks for the comments, all!

Anonymous said...

This is absolute garbage whoever likes this has a very weird taste the green one i saw on was horrible absolutly dreadful

Anonymous said...

Not only do the jerseys stink but the team does! Maybe they will average more then 2 goals this year in the playoffs if they can even make it.

Anonymous said...

Should have been called the vancouver luongos.

Unknown said...

i didn't like the idea of "VANCOUVER" written on the top, but now that i see it im liking it more and more. it defenitly represents our city quite well. anyways, it could have gone a lot worse and im glad they went for a classic look like boston instead of some crazy edgy look/new age shit.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Not only do the jerseys stink but the team does! Maybe they will average more then 2 goals this year in the playoffs if they can even make it. "

... ya. it's always tough when you have the best goalie and one of the top defensive units in the league. idiot.

bruinbxr5791 said...

ok, that is officially the WORST logo ever, right next to the ducks.

Anonymous said...

Although I hated them at first, I'm warming up to them.

The following link shows another view of the uni's. Not bad.

Anonymous said...

U...G...L...Y. they ain't got no alibi that's ugly. yeah yeah that's ugly.

Anonymous said...

I could do without the Vancouver text, although it's not awful. All-in-all, it's a great design and I love the color scheme. I'm still not crazy about the orca logo, but otherwise, think this is a good direction for the 'nucks.

Anonymous said...

After looking at these sweaters for a few hours...the design has grown on me. Ive always loved the vintage colors, and the wordmark is a little large...but still its a nice sweater...8/10

Anonymous said...

I think the Canuck fans dodged a bullet. These could of been much worse. They look as good as they could considering they had to choose from one of the lame reebok templates. Hat's off to the Canucks!! for remaining traditional. The only thing I am not crazy about is the Vancouver wording above the logo.There may still be time to get rid of that fans, but then again that isn't nearly as bad as if they had incorporated a lot of lame vertical lines/piping.Considering everything I think the Canucks will look cool this season.
What really needs to go on all of these jerseys is the reebok templates!

Anonymous said...

Cant say I love this new look. The "VANCOUVER" is just not needed and is way too large infact its down right dumb. The changed vintage logo on the shoulders looks like a little kid did it the original was just fine. I like the colors not sure going with with horizontal lines was the best but I can live with that. Pictures with the players wearing them says it all they look horrible. A million supposidly spent on what? Wont be shelling out money to buy one and it seems neither will many other canuck fans. Basicly a big dissapointment for something they easily could have gotten very right by listening to fans and made a classic jersey.

Anonymous said...

Looking at it more the "Vancouver" does not bug as much now as when I first saw it. I still don't think it's needed but overall it is a nice uniform.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how something as simple as putting in a word across the chest can turn an otherwise great jersey into a poor one. Jersey designers never seem to get the basic concept of "less is more." At least it's not as bad as the pajamas my Islanders are stuck with.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone that would remove the VANCOUVER thingy. Otherwise, it's a nice jersey.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone posted any pictures of the BACK of the jersey? I've been waiting to see if the font of the name and numbers on the back has changed or not. An ugly name and number set to me can ruin a jersey just as much as the front can.

Anonymous said...

These unforms suck balls the only good part is the new coulors

Anonymous said...

As a Flames fan who absolutely hates the Canucks, I love this jersey. I'll be laughing at how horrible this jersey is every time I see it. I feel sorry for Nuck fans out there, I'd be ashamed to have my team wear such a horrible jersey.

I actually think this one is worse than the flying V.

Richard Zowie said...

I'm not a Canucks fan, but overall I like the uniforms. To me, the Vancouver wordmark gives it a classic look that reminds me of the unis from years ago. I love the royal blue and the green. Seems like every team is wearing either navy blue or black (two overrated, eesthetically unappealing colors).

Anonymous said...

its the best, cleanest jersey the canucks have ever had. i love the fact that canucks are original with their jerseys and you will never see that with any other team! now its about the team, its about the community, its about the city, and the history!! its not just about the name on the back of the jersey, but the name on the front that represents us all! take some pride guys! this is some really good stuff...

Anonymous said...

These look stupid... I'm sorry...

Anonymous said...

Probably the most non-commital jersey overhaul I've ever seen. Should've gone with the retro look or a seperate vision for the orca but not both.

What a sham!

Anonymous said...

ok so first off if you've ever watched any hockey you'd know that the cap's went back to the uniforms that they had during their inagural seasons in the league, i think they look alot sharper and less cartoony than their other uniforms, and these canucks uniforms look like absolute crap, come on lets mix the only decent uniform (hockey stick logo) they've ever had with the stupid orca and change the colors, what's the point, why keep the bloody orca are they owned by orca bay anymore, no!

Anonymous said...

The Vancouver Canucks have finally found themselves a sharp looking uniform. It incorporates previous colors and logos, (including the VANCOUVER, from the Vancouver Millionair days). Furthermore, they kept it looking like a traditional uniform. Not like some of those other Mickey Mouse looking designs, with exception to Detroit, Boston and the Rangers.

To get a good look at the uniform, including the back (name and numbering) check out the Canucks web page...

Great job Canucks, good luck this year!

Anonymous said...

Too busy, stripes don't match the fit of the jersey, colours don't match the logo, wordmark is terrible.

I'm a Canucks fan, but I'm definitely not a fan of the Canuck's jerseys.

Anonymous said...

They'd be perfect without VANCOUVER pasted across the top as though the fans are going to spontaneously forget where they play.

Anonymous said...

Adding VANCOUVER is completely unnecessary. It's way too large, it looks like it'd create some odd illusions with a C or A badge, and it references a team that isn't the same franchise or even played in the same league, let alone a team with any fans that aren't, you know, long dead.

Anonymous said...

I saw these before I went to work and thought they sucked... I came home from work and now I think they are the greatest. Weird, eh?

Anonymous said...

The majority of positive responses are probably from Canucks Employees who are being payed to make multiple positive comments about the new canucks jerseys.

Anonymous said...

I am from vancouver and when i saw the new uniforms from work on the TV not impressed.

To those who say its awesome your lying its not. the only good to come from having another ugly jersey is the fact that the canucks play better the worse the jersey is.

The orca should have green in it. if the canucks want text on their logo, which i dislike, it should be way smaller.

To those who say "i didnt like it but now its growing on you" You really dont have much of a choice to let it grow on you, because when it comes to it. All canuck fans will buy the newest merch just to stay true to the game. I was looking forward to the chnage but now regret it, thanks RBK

Anonymous said...

Now that I look at the jersey's a little longer they look good. I like that I can where my Vintage jersey now and be the same colors as the new one's. I'm still not sure if it's a buyer for me, but maybe if I look at them some more I will change my mind further.
When they win the cup this year I will have to buy one to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this new jersey. I think that the silver/blue Orca logo nicely emboldens the blue/green of the jersey itself - the main problem with that scheme on the vintage duds.
I also love the wordmark, I'm not sure what people are complaining about.

Anonymous said...

The only really problem, to my eyes, is that there's so little colour in the logo. And the colour that is there is no where else on the jerseys. That makes no sense to me.

Anonymous said...

As posted before, there's a nice image gallery on the nucks' site.

After looking them over for the day, I'm starting to like them. I'd still prefer no wordmark though. Or a wordmark that matches the jersey colour so you don't really see it. Like a ghost effect.

Anonymous said...

the jerseys are really growing on me. i hated them at first, possibly because i was expecting something new after all the hype. after looking at them though, i absolutely love the vintage jerseys with the striping including on the pants which i think looks real sharp. i also hated the idea of the wordmark at first, but that's also growing on me as it sort of fits with the old school style of the jersey. while i think the orca looks better with less colours, i still find that it sort of clashes with the colour and style of the jersey. only bad thing is the blatant olympic marketing ploy.

Anonymous said...

GUYS, let's think about the yellow halloween costume with the "German" "V"...these are new style. Logo and script...Then don't touch the orca...
by the way, have you seen the other reebok edge jerseys? they suck (all but boston!

Anonymous said...

Are these seriously there new jerseys? My goodness. I've thrown up stuff that looks better then this!! Sheesh!!

Anonymous said...

Vancouver Whalers !

Jim said...

Uh, not so much. Despite being a Lightning fan (and thus a fan of a team with the city name as part of the logo), I don't think the "Vancouver" helps the new Canucks sweaters. And, in a coup I would have never thought possible, the new Canucks home sweaters are both busy AND dreary.

Charlie @ Sabres Not said...

I like the jerseys but the wordmark is too big in font size...Otherwise, it should be a top selling jesrey this season.

But Canucks fans who hate it SHOULDN'T BUY IT! Take it from a frustrated Sabres fan who HATE the slug.

Anonymous said...

I love the return of the classic colors!

I LOVE the contrasting BOLD stripes on the sleeves and waist! YES! That's how a jersey should look!


the front of the jersey is a mess.

Both the wordmark and logo take up too much space. It looks way too busy and awkward.

Either have the logo with no wordmark, or keep them both and make one or the other smaller.

And why no green in the logo???

There is the potential for a GREAT jersey here. Just fix the front.

All of the other teams that have NO striping at the waist should take a good long look at this Vancouver jersey. They all look like Roller Hockey jerseys alongside this one!!!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell? The whole province of BC cheers on the Canucks, why would we want VANCOUVER printed on the front of the jersey? Who's bright idea was that, the colours are great. But who ever had the idea of putting Vancouver on the front, they should be Fired, i was so excited to see the new jerseys, and i was totally disappointed, the canucks seem to be cursed with bad jerseys.

Anonymous said...

I know all my friends, as well as myself, are saying they like it in a courus of shrugging and "I guess we have to like those" additude. I know that for me there is also a bit of muted shame and embarassment.

Honestly, they should have just grabbed the old-school green/blue/white logo and relegated the Orca to 3rd sweater status. Seriously, who out there would take what we recived as a sweater over that option?

Anonymous said...

Those Jerseys aboutsoutly horrible.
What did a grade 3 sketch that in art class. Check out these new Jerseys for the Winnipeg Jets. The team does not even exist and has nicer jerseys, than you canucks fans.

Anonymous said...

people have made nicer jerseys online in 10 minutes. They are so busy, and the jerseys have nothing to do with the fact they're called canucks. I don't understand why they stayed with the orca, they should have used the rink and stik logo.

Anonymous said...

The wordmark is unnecessary. At the very most, it should only belong to the road jersey. Even still, it takes up a lot of space and it distracts your eyes from the rest of the entire uniform, which looks great. I'm imagining if I were a fan in the GM Arena, I'd be thinking: "YEA! I GET IT! WE'RE IN VANCOUVER! YOU ARE TOO! WE'RE ALL HERE! GOTCHA!" Especially since the Canucks are marred with a history of silly uniforms, they better remove the wordmark before the season starts.

Anonymous said...

While I think retro looks and vintage jerseys are cool (and a great marketing strategy), these new jerseys are supposed to be bringing the league into the 21st century. The whole reason for the vintage 3rd jersey was a sign of respect for the roots of the team.
However, by mixing vintage with current, you get a jersey like these new Canucks ones. Everyone has their opinion on what (if anything) could be done to make them look nicer. Personally, I would lose the horizontal stripes, and go with some underarm colours, like other teams have done. And I will join in with others who see the VANCOUVER wording as too much. This is supposed to be a throwback to the Vancouver Millionaires, the team that won the Stanley Cup back in the early 20th. The issue for me is that the Canucks are no way associated with the Millionaires, other than they both come from Vancouver. Perhaps this is why most people have had a problem with VANCOUVER appearing on the new Canucks jersey; because it has never been on a previous Canucks jersey.
Anyway, I don't think they are awful, but I wouldn't mind seeing them without VANCOUVER.

Corey in Vancouver

Anonymous said...

I can deal with the Orca logo on the retro jersey... but the wordmark has got to go. It looks like some minor-league team from the 60s or 70s, or the New York Rangers of the mid-40s. And that's not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

ah, the remix jersey. as dave pratt says on the radio, you shouldn't mess with great originals. like remixing led zeppelin, the canucks have found a way to make a great, slick jersey look cheapened. still, compared to a lot of the new jerseys coming out... i'd rather take a remixed led zeppelin song than a lot of the new crappy pop that's coming out these days. it may be dissapointing, but we could have done so much worse. cue; nash, la, fla, ott, etc.
unrelated, i heard on the radio today that arthur griffiths tried to bring back johnny canuck back when they were designing the orcas originally, but mccaw nixed it. another reason to hate the orca and the mccaw era it represents.

Anonymous said...

I've got to say that at first I was underwhelmed...they are growing on me though.

Anonymous said...

all the vancouver fans saying this is the worst jersey they've ever seen are lying to themselves. it can't be that easy to forget those horrible flying v jerseys. but even those weren't the worst ones they've had. that alternate they had with the red/navy blue gradient was the worst jersey choice they ever made.

and i think it's obvious that the vancouver on the chest is so that people don't confuse them with the hartford whalers, you know, with the blue/green color scheme and whale in the logo and all. i know that if i had gone into a coma sometime before 1997 and woke up today and looked at the logo and colors, i would be slightly confused.

Anonymous said...

mannnn the orca goes with last years colour scheme way better, i dont mind the Vancouver at the top of the jerseys, but WHY THE FUCK WUD U NOT MAKE THE ORCA BLUE AND GREEN TOO. THATS wut RUINED these Jerseys and makes em look like crap,

Anonymous said...

The league has a chance to totally change its look and you have teams wasting the opportunity. Don't get me wrong I think the Nucks jersey is nice but have you seen the islanders or the bruins, AWFUL!!! The new RBK jerseys are awesome but some teams are using the same style as the ccm ones, you cant, there different. Washington has the right idea, their jerseys are awesome looking. Their look matches the rbk design. Its what the league needs.

Anonymous said...

Worst jersey so far. The wordmark crowds the horrible logo.

Anonymous said...

It looks exactly like Northeastern University's jersey form 06-07

Anonymous said...

just take off VANCOUVER and its a nice jersey, i still like the stick in the rink logo as the front crest.

Anonymous said...

Boston, Rangers, Detroit, Columbus & Washington - great stuff. The rest of these jerseys? Yikes! The "stick in rink" logo was so popular last season as an alternate, why didn't the team just use that as their jersey base? Who needs the city name in letters that nearly dwarf the whale? And what would have made sense was using the original logo for the crest, then have two shoulder patches - one of the whale, the other of Johnny Canuck. Going back to the original color scheme was a great move, though there should be some green in the logo. This is just one in a series of hideous jerseys that the Reebok morons have put out. And what really scares me is that some of the jerseys that have yet to be unveiled will be on the "shithole" pile. (Philly looks okay on the leak, though.)

Anonymous said...

Overall not as bad as I initially thought. We can all agree the colours are great - the wordmark is controversial but at least original. If we're stuck with these (I might even buy a blue one), the change I'd make is on the white jerseys. Make the tail of the jersey blue like the bottom of the sleeves - then they'd blend into the pants and wouldn't look so silly from behind... the horizontal stripes are great but don't match the RBK Edge profile.

Anonymous said...

man i thought are jerseys looked like shit man, after seeing what other teams have done and are doing around the league. VANCOUVERS JERSEYS R PIMP,IM GONNA GET ONE CUZ IM A DIE HARD CANUCKS FAN, NOT U BAN WAGON JUMPERS, but i admitt i wanted johnny canuck back but w/e not gonna happen yet but they look way better then half the leauges so far man so ppl shud just shut up n thank tha lord we aint the florida panthers & that we stole Luongo from them so he dont gotta wear that crap either hahaha weOoOOoOooooo

Joel said...

love the new jersey.

i love how it says Vancouver at the top.

Vancouver is the best city in the world, and having it on the uniform will make our players PROUD!

Johnny Nucker said...

VERY SHARP JERSEYS!!! It's amazing the amount of comments that have been made on them already! The Canucks jerseys were the most anticipated in the league and now have spurred the most opinion.

The colours are superb! Classic as well as representative of the province. The way it should have always been for the Canucks, if it hadn't been for some psychologist that said yellow, orange and black were more aggressive colours and the team should switch.

The jersey design is classic with modern elements. A mix of many eras of hockey history in this region. I have read many comments stating a dislike for this blend. People seem to think that you need to either pick modern or original, but this jersey has elements from many time periods which I believe is its strength. The stripping is original from 1970, the primary logo is an upgrade from the 90s orca, the VANCOUVER word mark is pre-NHL Canucks, and the secondary logo is a modern version of the much loved stick-in-rink original. I do wish that the Johnny Canuck logo had been incorporated, but I guess that leaves the door open for a third jersey logo down the road.

I took a good amount of time to go through Chris' gallery and compare this jersey to the others that have been released so far. I can say, without a doubt, that these jersey are on par with any of the Original Six jerseys but with a uniqueness that stands out from the rest. I believe that, in the long run, even the nay-sayers will grow to love this jersey. I will definitely be sporting one at the games, and I have a good feeling that many other Canucks fans will be wearing them as well.

Unknown said...

This is simply THE ugliest one yet, and I'm confident it'll be the ugliest overall. Go Canucks! Continue your jersey mediocrity!!

hockeyhockeyhockey said...

Worst yet. These and the Flyer jerseys make me want to puke. I would be embarrassed if i was a fan of either team.

Unknown said...

Thank god for Dallas preparing to steal Vancouver's unnecessary-wordmark thunder, eh?

rohank4284 said...

Yuck!, why did Vancouver go back to those old ugly deep green and dark blue uniforms. The new logo also, looks boring with the white tail, but the Vancouver above the logo pretty good. They should have made the old third jersey their home jersey and kept the old road jersey. A huge step down for Vancouver.

Sean François said...

There is no need for the word "VANCOUVER" on the jersey...kills the look - it's perfectly fine with the logos only.