Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Poll: Ramo (a) vs Ramo (b)

RAMO (a)
RAMO (b)

Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Tue Mar 25
Poll closing date
Sat Mar 29


Anonymous said...

Why does he have 2 masks?

Anonymous said...

hmmm....an exposed brain or Jack Skellington...i'll take Jack

Anonymous said...

jack is on the one with the brain... i like that one better becuase he's been going with that theme for awhile now.

awildermode said...

Jack all the way. I really cannot tell that the red thing is a brain. If you guys say it is a brain, then I guess it is.

The blue on is clearly Jack Skellington, and it is nicely done.

Anonymous said...

huh, i never saw jack on the one on the brain until you mentioned it, iouttakill

Unknown said...

fuck that the brain is original and even tho stupid jack skellington is on that one as well its way better

Unknown said...

karri ramo and a brain... i think i'll start calling him Krang from now on like the bad guy from Ninja Turtles

pdl said...

It's tough to see the helmet graphics. The details are lost.

Ogre39666 said...

I love the graphic design on the chin on the B mask. The circle on the lightning logo matches up perfectly with the circle bar on the cage. Its subtle but makes a huge difference.
Plus it has Jack featured more prominently.

sam said...

I hate the brain its ugly an does not match. By the way, there is a typo on the paragragh below the poll. It sais "came to you decided"

Q said...

Chris, why do all those pix lack sharpness? It's sort of distracting...

Jason said...

I really wish there were multiple angles of these things.

Chris said...

It's tough to see the helmet graphics. The details are lost.

Chris, why do all those pix lack sharpness? It's sort of distracting...

I really wish there were multiple angles of these things.

All these complaints. Wow. I'm not sure you guys grasp just how hard it was to get decent pictures of these masks. Most of the images I had to work with with way too small to begin with.

I don't think any of the details are lost, rather they're highlighted by the lack of color around the helmet. The soft focus effect I added helped to standardize the photos, all of which originated in different shapes and sizes, and add a signature look. If you want to see distracting, imagine a giant, brightly colored ad on the boards behind the helmet. Hence the black and white.

And in some cases it was hard enough to find one good angle to work with. If you guys want to see other angles, I'm afraid you'll have to do some of your own searching for that. (I do have a day job.)

Don't forget that you can click on a photo to see it at twice the size. With the better quality images that works really well. Others, not so much. But I did the best I could with what was available to me.

I hope you guys will be able to get used to these things. I appreciate you expressing your concerns. Thanks for voting!

poul said...
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poul said...

i would vote for the brain if it was a shade of blue it's pretty original... the pink just doesnt match with the lightning

.. at least we know young Ramo isnt one of those goalies who just gets boring team logos/colours

PS ..dont sweat it Chris, the pics are just fine considering u had this poll up and running in like a week... i really doubt vote results would change if the images were sharper anyway

Anonymous said...

Got to daveart.com to see more angles of these two masks and the Turco masks. There are many other masks appearing in this tournament to see there too.

Jerm Deeks said...

I know how you hate the idea of yellow in the Lightning colours, Chris. But I've got to say, that mask (on the left) really shows (in my opinion) how nice a light gold works with the Lightning logo...

Anonymous said...

does anyone know which mask he is currently wearing? or does he alternate?

Chris said...

does anyone know which mask he is currently wearing? or does he alternate?

He alternates. That's the only reason why I posted this poll at all.

Jason said...

Sorry for the complaint if you want to call it that. I didn't mean for it to be insulting. You're doing a great job here.