Poll: Sharks vs Canucks
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Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment as to how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results! By the way, just as with the Lightning and Senators, when the Canucks unveil their new logo, it will take effect in the tournament that same day or the next. We're not expecting sweeping changes, just a recoloring of the same logo.
Poll opening date Aug 25 @ 7:39 AM | Poll closing date Sep 1 @ 11:59 PM |
i voted canucks because i like their colour scheme more than the sharks
the canucks use a common red and blue but the red and blues are both darker and i kinda like dark colours
and the sharks logo to cartoony like someone pointed like a batman comic but i like the very very subtle SJ in there
I think both of them suck, But if I had to choose one I pick thesharks because the sharks logo looks much more fierce than an orca whale.
sharks easy... that new logo is sharp... and is wayyyyy more intimidating than an orca whale.
I chose the Canucks simply because I'm a die-hard Nucks fan, and whatever jersey Roberto Luongo wears on his back is going to bias my opinion. Louie would make any jersey better just by wearing it.
The Canucks have the second lamest logo in hockey (after the pathetic Lightning logo). The new Sharks logo is a great update to their original and far superior to the 'nucks.
I love the Canucks logo cause it represents the Haida culture, living on the shores of British Columbia, where Vancouver is! Great respect shown to the ancesters, with a nice logo!
canucks... because it's going to look awesome in a couple days! vintage colours yeah!
i had to go with the canucks for many reasons- the sharks is fairly simple and i am not too sure it has ties to san jose regionally - are there a lot of shark attacks in san jose? that could be ignorance on my part but as i am normal east coast hockey enthusiast, i am your a-typical reader so...
on the other hand, thecanucks us of the C, the ice, the art style all make me think pacific northwest.
the new shark logo looks great, ( and i havent seen the SJ embedded yet either) and i would have picked it over most other logos, just not the 'nucks.
this doesn't have anything to do with this but the lightning have their new logo on their website welcome thing
New Lightning jerseys:
Oops; bad paste of that link:
Whale = Weak.
Go back to the stick in the rink!
WTF; its that link with "_Image2.jpg" on teh end. This silly thing is truncating my paste!
phfff.....the sharks logo looks too soft....the old one was better....now it just looks like an nfl/ahl logo. the orca rules, and whichever it gets changed to is probably gonna be better than the sharks.
I like both logos and am fan of both teams. But i used the creatures as my differentiator. And had to go with the ORCA. Great White shark (boss of all sharks) is an apex predator, BUT sometimes it becomes food to an ORCA (search for yourself).
The Orca Whale is pretty Retarted but I still Like my Canucks! And dont Forget Luongo
I pick Canucks. As they are my team.
I agree that the Sharks logo looks too cartoony now. The same is true of the Sens new logo. Hockey to me seems like a sport that's steeped in tradition; and the uniforms oughtta reflect that. Let the NFL and NBA cater to folks who want fun cartoon characters representing their teams. I like me some nostalgia.
Where is the SJ in the new logo???
See this post.
this vote is unfair, the sharks get to use their new logo, but the canucks go in with something that everyone knows is obsolete.
go nucks go!
new canucks logo on fathead dot com. u have to go under nhl logos and its on the 2nd row last one
Sharks all the way!!! ill post a link that shows the SJ in the logo in a couple minutes
for those who cant see the SJ in the sharks logo heres a pic to show you
I'm a Canucks fan too, but lets be honest here-their logo isn't great. And because this is a vote for BEST LOGO and not MOST POPULAR TEAM, I'm voting Sharks.
All of you people who talk crap about a shark being stronger/cooler then a "whale" A) Orca technically isnt a whale, But B) Go to Youtube.com and search orca and see that they are ****ING CRAZY!!
Thanks for the SJ help. It's the most obscure, difficult to see thing ever. It's like a Magic Eye puzzle.
Vote for the Nucks!
As there new Logo will be much better!
that link you posted for the SJ in the sharks logo doesnt work for me =\
Ouch.. quit the Canucks revival here. heh.
I didn't think the Sharks would take this one, even though my heart would have liked it to, even though I'm not entirely sold on the Sharks update myself.
I voted Sharks, because, in the end, I can't give up my loyalty to the team, and the fact that I think it still has a lot more presence than the Orca. However, as opponents, these two logos have a lot to say, and it's quite an amazing matchup. Too bad it had to come in round 1
I just thought of something..
Which is that it's much like the NHL's playoffs, in that some of the best matchups of the playoffs come in Round 1 because of conference rivalries and whatnot.
I'd dearly love to see that change to a league-wide 1 - 16 matchup... we could actually wind up with some Stanley Cup Finals that weren't complete and utter boners.
I voted the canucks orca. Because it owns that little shark. Orca's eat sharks. :) Go Canucks!!!!!!!!!
Rockin here from CDC
rofl people like mike make me laugh... Canucks are gonna win the cup thanks now stfu
If we had done this a month ago, I would have said the Sharks. The answer is now the Canucks.
If only the Canuck fans could spell...but instead I chose the Sharks emblem. THEIR new logo is clean and strong. Though I love the totems of the NW, that 'nucks logo needs to get out of town.
They should have used a totem for the Olympics symbol instead of that stupid little inukshuk thing.
Shouldve waited to start this poll until the canucks come out with there new logo and all the other teams this is more of a popularity contest
Sharks, even though I preferred the original design. Nice collective effort by Canucks fans to crash the vote for their unknown but undoubtedly awesome new logo. Next on the agenda: vote Rory Fitzpatrick, all-star '08!
this is a popularity contest. The Vancouver logo is out of place and irrelevent. When I think of the Canucks (whatever they are) a whale doesn't come to mind.
The Sharks logo at least has a shark on it....
looking at the canucks logo just makes me wish the whalers were still around... it took a couple of years before it stopped throwing me off every time i saw it. i voted for the sharks, since i'm not a sharks fan and the new logo isn't such a travesty in my eyes. i like the canucks fans' claims that the new logo will be better... it'll be the same freaking thing only recolored, it's barely a change at all. now if it were our good friend johnny canuck, this would all be a different story.
This is obviously being dominated by Canadaian fans. How can you not vote for the Sharks when they have the only logo that uses teal!
If this was the old Sharks logo I probably would've voted for them, just because I think the new one is way too cartoonish. So I voted Canucks.
it looks like canucks fans are flooding this poll
better teamm..
better logo..
it's true orca's eat sharks
how is a shark more fierce than an orca whale ? there called killer whales for a reason aand yah a tiny shark or a huge ass freakin whale i dont noe wut id rather go up against the pussy lil shark
probably should of waited until the new logo comes out
i live in vancouver and i'm just wondering why people like the stickn the rink logo honestly the few times the waired it i honestly got bored of it i mean if u change this to the primary logo in going to get boring after a year u have look to the long way not like a thing u use for one year and then u want another jersey change and u canucks fans that don't believe me it true in lots of ways and trust me nucks fan i'm not a hater to the stickn the rink logo it just that orca logo is better and at least mor fierce
orca day are almost over
the old logo of the nucks will bb back
ThiS is kind of turning into A popularity contest.I loVE the Canucks but I think the Sharks should win this. I honestly thought the Sharks would win this but sinCe Vancouver is a mad hockey city the Canucks are winning. Not that it reaLly matters but I want tO see who has the best logo in the faNs' Eyes not wHIch team has the biGgest fanbase. Lets vote for tHe best logo here.
Are you serious the shark is eating a f***in hockey stick. Thats awesome. What is the Canucks logo supposed to be anyway. It just looks like a poorly drawn shark.
-Keith Harris
I voted San Jose Sharks---
I love the people that don't understand the Canucks logo. It represents the city of Vancouver! Haida art style and Orcas found off the west coast. Makes sense to me!
Although I'm torn because I love the sharks logo as well. These two teams shouldn't be up against each other yet!
KILLER whales eat sharks. There's your winner right down to the food chain.
To whoever called an orca whale more fierce than a shark, i'd like to see you with a great white.
Guess who's going to win.
TO whoever wanted a ORCA VS a Great White
thats wassup Bit@h
(google search "orca vs great white" third result)
CANUCKS Longer serving logo going up against a New logo.... No contest The Sharks Design is WICKED but it hasn't even seen a NHL game yet so its not in the RACE YET!
Regards Keyser
Vancouver's is at least a bit more of a 'symbol' than a picture. SJ's is out-and-out a cartoon.
The idea is not for logos to be as "fierce" or "intimidating" as possible. Professional hockey players are not intimidated by a drawing.
being a nucks fan I'm obviously going to be partial but I would pick the nucks logo over the sharks any day b/c of what the logo represents compared to a cartoon shark. having the name "canuck" can't give you much choice in terms of logos (if you don't know it means canadian or french canadien). but we make a very good choice in a haida design of an orca (orca bay co.). the haida design brings back history of the pacific coast, the natives. that being said, the subtle sj is pretty slick.
I just think the Sharks logo looks cooler.
This is not a contest for your favourite team its for the best logo. sharks get the nod for myself cause the canucks logo has to many ugly colours in it and overall just looks bad. San Jose's new logo isn't the best but better than the Canucks
Both logos are great, but like already said...not fair that Sharks compete with new logo, and Canucks with old... (wait til the 29th).
Canucks logo shows a tie between heritage and modern, with a simple yet bold design. Sharks logo is a great modern design, but I dont see it in the NHL, maybe the AHL or some other affiliates.
Just my opinion.
although i like the color scheme and actual logo of vancouver more, i still voted for the sharks. i dont like the team at all, i just think that they should get my vote because their logo is actually related to their team name. what does an orca have to do with being a native canadian?
yes this might be a popularity contest and yes i am a super big nucks fan but the canucks are better either way canucks means strong superior and a killer whale represent that also orcas are native to vancouver and our logo is heida like vancouver and lastly its not a cartoonish echl logo
sharks are cartoon ya maybe they are strong but there are no sharks native there or at least special thereit a random bad coloured shark that loks like batman just died sry to say sj fans even if i was sj canucks all the way!!
"what does an orca have to do with being a native canadian?"
Nothing, But city of vancouver or coast of vancouver has a lot to do with the ORCA,
come on people the new sharks logo is way better!! of course the new canucks logo is also sharp, sharks all the way!
You have to be absolutely kidding me!!?? The Canucks logo is one of the ugliest and most horrible logos in sports....period!! I mean seriously, a funky looking Orca breaking through ice??? It looks like something a grade school child drew during free time. I'm not saying the new Sharks logo is the best in the league or anything, but it's FAR superior to the Canucks peice of crap logo. If it was so great to begin with, why are they changing it??? Hmmmm. Anyway, we all know the real reason the Canucks are leading this pole is because all you Canadians are coming out of the wood work to support your Canadian teams....even if the logo is awful. Let the truth be told...
Anyway, we all know the real reason the Canucks are leading this pole is because all you Canadians are coming out of the wood work to support your Canadian teams....even if the logo is awful. Let the truth be told...
Hi anonymous person! Isn't that line about the Canadians "coming out of the woodwork" getting a little tired? The Maple Leafs and Flames were eliminated in the first round so I don't think you're on to anything solid there.
I just wanted to mention that since I've been seeing comments like yours an awful lot lately. Thanks for reading everybody!
The Canucks logo suits Vancouver well and it is clever, but it just isn't a very good logo. The sharks logo is better.
Now that i've seen the new canucks jerseys, i'd even pick the new york islanders fishermen's jersey of this.
When I 1st saw it, i hated it. A let down. but after what i saw the colours and logos represent, well, i guess it wont take as lond as I thought to get used to it
The Sharks logo is a weak image, the tail dissapears. It kind of looks like a rocket with a shark head. Really one of the weaker logo's in the league.
I do like the Canucks logo. It is a clear, clear logo. Very distintive at a distance. The Orca is so west caost and in the Haidi style that is instantly recognizable as being from that area. The C like A for the Avalanch stands out well.
I like their new jersey, but why does it have a green background, kinda takes away the colour scheme that the new logo is based on...
the new canuck jerseys are awful, but the orca looks better, GO CANUCKS GO
All the hype for the new Schmucks logo and this is the result? What a joke.
leanne said...
better teamm..
better logo..
August 26, 2007 9:18 PM
Thanks for the laugh. Come back when your team has a more dominating offensive threat than a pair of pasty-faced twins.
the sharks logo is better cause the only differences in the new canucks jersey are both bad ones: the orca being black and white makes it less interesting and the word vancouver over the name makes it look like a junior team logo; like we need the name there to know who they are its stupid
ok person who did this website you rock but change the orca in blueeeeeeeeeee backroung
Better TEAM?!?!
Leanne almost made me spit wine everywhere with that laugher.
Now that I see the new orca...Sharks is way better. At least the old orca was more of a haida design than the new one. Removing the detail removed a lot of the charm.
Off with its head!
come on! Look at both logos and be honest. You have to vote for the Shark. It is mean and tough, and it has a hockey reference in the image with the stick.
The orca is lame. What does it have to do with Canucks? How does it represent the team (beyond the parent corporation Orca Bay).
You have to vote shark!
Canucks by a mile ter new jerseys R CRAZY
had to vote Sharks because clearly the canucks have by far the worst jerseys in the entire NHL. Scratch that worst jerseys in all of sports that ever existed
As long as this doesn't include the fat and unnecessary "VANCOUVER" then I like the canucks logo over the sharks
to the posters above there has never been a whale that attacked a great white in fact millions upon millions of orcas are slaughtered by great whites each year and Canucks get slaughtered by Sharks time and time again it is true in life and true on ice... Bizzotches
but it's not a great white
That Shark logo is so lame. 3D is not good for logos. Keep it simple.
Canucks. Better team, better logo.
can't say i like either of these logos. as a canucks fan i know what the orca stands for but has never fit well with the canucks organization. the sharks logo doesn't represent san jose and looks a bit cartoonie but still looks sharp. my vote was with canucks cause it say alot and stands for many things.
go canucks go. canadian hockey baby!
the new canucks logo & jerseys look amazing. very clean and classic. give it a few weeks and people will realise.
i absolutely love what they've done!
I really do feel sorry for both the Sharks, & Canucks since both will be run over by the Winged Wheel.
I went with the Shark Attack. FAR superior to the constipated whale face
Voted for the Whale. It fits the Canucks and represents alot more than the shark.
Site note: I think the way the logo boxes are shaded at the top kind of interferes with the logos, especially with the more monotone colour ones like the whale.
The logo is missing the word "Vancouver" above it. That is actually part of the new logo.
Love it or hate it.
put the old logo back because they use it for our other jerseys and it's nicer
The level of the debate here matches the quality of the designs: Sad.
Can't both be eliminated?
"Ganksta said...
to the posters above there has never been a whale that attacked a great white in fact millions upon millions of orcas are slaughtered by great whites each year and Canucks get slaughtered by Sharks time and time again it is true in life and true on ice... Bizzotches
August 30, 2007 6:07 PM"
uuummmmmmmmmm EXCUSE ME????
check out this like and get back to me buddy...... I think that was Cheechoo!!!
put the away logo on for canucks
I'm a sucker for the Haida designs, as bastardized as they can be. Nucks win this one, although whoever wins this is losing to the Wings.
Tony Q: techinically it probably isn't 'Haida', given that their homeland is Haida Gwai, better known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. A bit of a trek from the Lower Mainland.
The Casucks have the ugliest logo in the league. Why are they wining this? Even their homer, bandwagon "fans" know it doesn't compare.
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