Poll: Devils vs Maple Leafs
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Voting is finally here! This is the first match of the championship tournament. Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment about how you came to your decision. Then come back tomorrow and vote on the next match. Also, tell everyone you know to drop in and vote. The more voices heard, the more accurate our results will be!
Poll opening date Aug 12 @ 7:34 AM | Poll closing date Aug 19 @ 11:59 PM |
I was torn making my decision... I bleed blue.. and my girlfriend happens to be a devils fan (nice matchup chris). Aside from that... I am a fan of the devils logo... what with it making an N and J and all... but the Maple Leaf is just too classic to vote against.
A harder matchup than I initially thought. The maple leaf is so mutch a symbol of evething here in Canada. Voting against these six originals seems very hard.
But in terms of design and quality, the New Jersey logo is great also. I'm not revealing my vote, but let's just say that Maple Leafs logo is a neat one.
something is up with the voting..
in the span of 30 seconds, the devils had 52% and the Leafs had 48%.... now it's 64% Devils. Someone is having some fun changing their IP and rigging the vote.
I don't know, I wouldn't be so quick to say that. I think there are just a lot of people voting this morning. I have been promoting the date for quite a while now.
I would hope that people aren't out there trying to ruin the voting, but you never know. I'll keep an eye out.
Just remember, there's going to be a new poll up every day for the next couple of weeks. Everyone can vote in every one of them! (Preferably, once. To some extent, we've got to go on the honor system here.)
Thanks for voting, everybody!
BTW.. your days are one day off in the sidebar.
Aug.13 isn't a tuesday.. etc ;)
I've noticed that if I refresh the page after voting, I can vote again - not that I would of course - just letting you know hjow easy it might be to manipulate!
honor system or not, the voting is rigged. if you refresh the site or use the backspace icon and then return to this site, the voting will be refreshed and the user can cast another vote again thus inflating the number of times someone has voted and more importantly diluting the outcome of the poll. so chris, don't make this the "honor system" as it is not trustworthy.
Thanks for catching my incorrect dates. They've been fixed. Not sure how in the world I managed to do that, but whatever.
As far as the voting. I've done what I can to keep people from voting multiple times. When you refresh the page, it should show the poll again, but even if you click vote it should not count you again. Does that make sense?
If anybody has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks!
Just a question about the bracket? May have already been addressed, but will the winner of this matchup face the hurricanes? I mean if the devils win, thats #1 vs #2 in the second round. Shouldn't the #8 vs #9 winner face the 'canes?
Yes, the winner of the Devils and Leafs match will face the Hurricanes. It's just the easiest format for me.
Just keep in mind that the seeding doesn't really matter that much. It's based on how they finished in the tournament I wrote — so it might just as well be random. In the future, the brackets will be completely random.
Thanks for reading!
The Devils use of the N and J was good enough for my vote.
both logos are ugly bc the just simple.Devils needs new jerseys maybe with a devil on it and leafs there not much you can do with that.I like blue better but i like the devils logo better just a little better.
Devils. There's more depth there, what with the NJ and the Devil-marks (horns, tail). That being said, while I think the Devils should win, the Leafs logo is classic.
Maybe I'm biased cuz im a huge Habs fan, but i have never like the leafs logo.
Also whats the point of voting more than once its just something for fun to pass the time.
Thanks for your vote, Micky and finding the words I couldn't! It is just something fun to pass the time, so for anyone taking the time to try to "rig" it... what does that say?
I appreciate all the votes. This has way surpassed my expectations. I was hoping for at least 1,000 by the end of the week. We may have it by the end of the first day. At the moment, 660 votes have been cast. You guys are awesome!
Hey, just my opinion but i think its silly to not re seed the teams, like the NHL playoffs.
you could do it like March Madness. Because #1 vs #2 in the second round is weird.
It makes all your work pointless, and while u may think it is, I think you did a good job.
BTW if you want March Madness style it would go:
winner of 2 vs 15 plays winner of 8 vs 9.
winner of 3 vs 14 plays winner of 1 vs 10.
and so on.
So i think you should do
1) nhl playoffs
2) march madness
but thats just me. Any one else agree?
srry to keep posting but 1 last suggestion:
If you could post a big picture of the logos for the vote that would be sweet. It would help for sure i think.
It would be a little extra work on the bracket page, but I could do the March Madness style. Would anybody else be in favor of that over the current format?
As far as using larger graphics in the polls, I don't see why I can't make them a little bigger. I don't want them to be overwhelming but we can go slightly larger. I'll try and have that done tonight. (I'll also upgrade this poll with the new graphics.)
Thanks for the input, guys! If you have any other ideas, don't hesitate to send them my way.
you could just have them the size they are and click on them to make them big... If thats to much work i understand completely.
Also March Madness would be cool... lets see if there is a cinderella.
Thanks for respoding
it's rigged. someone on the Devils side of things has rigged the vote so that there is always a 10% difference between the teams.
its less than 10% now...
Also Leafs are doing so well cuz of all the leaf fans. Canadian teams should all have this advantage, im thinking.
All right, with thanks to Micky for the suggestion, I have updated the poll to now, not only have slightly larger logo graphics, but if you click on a logo in the poll, an enlarged version of it should pop up in a smaller window in your browser. Enjoy!
As for the "rigging" that keeps getting brought up, I wouldn't worry about it. This poll will be up for a week. Plenty of time to even itself out. Not only that, but it's not like it has any real consequence. Just have fun!
And thanks for voting!
it can't be rigged i tried refreshing the page and going back to vote again (to make sure it can't be rigged i wouldn't cheat like that there's no point to it) and u can't do it it doesn't count the second vote
doesn't count anyway u can only vote once
ya this is a little off topic, but how does everyone making concept jerseys get all the same layouts and stuff...... and what do u do to create the jerseys also? is there like a special program for jersey creating or something lol.....please get back to me. and if its easier, email me at westerngoalie2@hotmail.com
As a hardcore Flyers fan, so I hate both of these teams. However, there is just more to the Devils logo, with the NJ in it. The Leafs logo is just too plain for me.
I've always liked the Devils logo, just because it has more connection to the teams actual name (the horns, tail, red colour, etc.) The leafs logo, meanwhile, is simply that... a Maple leaf, can't get much simpler than that... And I've never been one for simple logos... My vote: The Devils
yesterday jersey was up by like 200 votes now it's a 2 vote difference this could be the closest atch of the whole tourney
I've never really liked the NJD's logo, I don't really like the color scheme. The thing I don't like about this competition, the Leafs logo is originated from one made back in 1926, the devils 82. I would say I like the Leafs logo better, purely because I like the blue and white color scheme better. I wish that he would use the Leafs alternate logo.
Wow, just 11 votes separate the two logos (1120 to 1109 in favor of the Leafs) as I write my comments.
I voted for the Devils logo because of the creative way the "NJ" is incorporated into their primary logo. Don't get me wrong, the Leafs primary logo is nice and classic, but what the Devils did with their is the only thing that decided it for me.
eww leafs winning, i find the background behind their logo more interesting than the logo itself.
I think someone may have posted this poll in leafs forums everywhere.. hehe. They've sure had an amazing surge in the last day, and now lead.
Gotta hand it to those leaf fans, they're pretty rabid.
i'm gonna post this in the devils forum to make sure the leafs don't wrongfully win the tourney
nvm now that i think of it that would probably make sure the devs win the tourney
Quote - "Kyle said...
i'm gonna post this in the devils forum to make sure the leafs don't wrongfully win the tourney"
So all 20 of their board fans could vote? Devils fans won't come close to out weighing the Leafs.
leafs, without a second though. and i hate the leafs. smooth, classic colours and logo. it is what it is, and it's great. the devils logo tries to be more then it is. at first you think it's rather cleaver the way they worked in the N and J into the logo, until you realize that the N and J is the logo. that's it, nothing else. with the sharks logo it was very original the way they worked the S and J into the OVERALL picture. but for the devils logo there is nothing more then the letters, no overall picture. imo it is very over rated as one of the best logo's in the league.
I dunno. The NJ forms a sort of man figure that reminds the viewer of the Jersey Devil, the Origin of the Team Logo. I think that gets the point across. The maple leaf does too but isn't the canadian flag a leaf also? Kinda confusing if you ask me.
A leaf isn't very creative. Devs get my vote.
this is going back and forth come on fans of the leafs logo or leafs fan vote for the leafs we had the lead i did my part do yours. p.s GO LEAFS GO!!!
Jersey Come on and raise up...it'll be a cold day in hell when we loose to a freakin' piece of foliage
Two excellent logos, although I prefer the old-school maple leaf with all of the veins. Of course, if Gary Bettman was running this poll, NJ and the Canadian teams would be discouraged from submitting their logos. He'd prefer Sun Belt matchups...something like Phoenix vs. Carolina.
And as for us Jersey people rigging the vote, well, I guess you don't know how we practice democracy here in the Garden State. I was always told that the most reliable election district in town was Holy Name Cemetery, with a 100% voter turnout. :)
devils fans are riggin it. any logo encased in an unnecessary circle can't stand on its own two feet.
Can everyone stop saying its rigged when ever their team starts losing.
Seriously, why would anyone try to rig it? You can't, people have tried. And if they can, oh well. It's not like the team who wins gets some huge prize or something (less I missed that).
As for my vote, I picked the Devils- partly cuz I love the Devils, partly cuz I think it's a little more creative than a leaf with the team's name on it.
"Anonymous said...
devils fans are riggin it. any logo encased in an unnecessary circle can't stand on its own two feet. "
Why is that? Are you afraid that the Leafs are going to lose in a poll that doesn't really mean anything?
Ok... How is this a contest? The fact is, the Devils will win this, and in the end, a stupid, non-classic logo will win this tourny. Why the Leafs logo will not make it past the first round is bloody beyond me, and if this were a real poll,by non-homer fans or a neutral party, they would be a top 5 contender.
I don't think there are enough Devils fans to rig the tournamemt. I'm a Flyers fan, and I'm still voting for the Devils.
I don't care for either logo. I like all pre-1970 versions of the leafs logo, but the current one lacks character. And I've never like the NJ logo. I don't see the creativity, others have noted, of putting an N and J together. It looks like something anyone could have came up with scribbling on a napkin in a few seconds. I voted for the leafs logo because I dislike it less.
I voted the Leafs, it's one of the oldest logo's in the league, it represents a very strong fanbase, a tradition, and a great history. Players such as Daryl Sittler, Bobby Baun, Dit Clapper, Tim Horton, Terry Sawchuck, Red Kelley. For those who say that it lacks creativity, you don't mess with something that has been around for at least 80 years. The Leafs logo is a classic, and will never change!!!!
I voted for the Devils because I've always loved the logo. It accomplishes a lot with the way the NJ and devil horns work together to represent state folklore and the team namesake, yet still looks deceptively simple. The Leafs logo just isn't as visually appealing or complex, no matter how "classic" Leafs fans say a leaf with the team name is.
And for pete's sake, it's just an poll. It's just something to pass the time, no need to get so hung up on whether people are rigging it or not. Even if you could do that, why bother?
I'm really not a fan of either team, but in the end I picked the Maple Leafs. The Devils logo is more creative but honestly what can you really do with a leaf? Plus, my boyfriend said I needed to vote so I voted.
If NJ wins...I hope they're not gonna go up against Carolina in the next round like the bracket saids the 2 should go up against the 2nd lowest remaining seed and Carolina should play the lowest seed...
ohh and i voted for NJ...b/c a the leaf although classic is just a little to plain for my liking
Just to clarify, the winner of this match will face the Hurricanes just as the bracket shows. There is no seeding. We're looking for the best logo. It doesn't matter which logo the best one faces on its way to becoming the champion. If it's the best, it should be able to beat them all. Thanks for all the comments, everybody!
the devils logo rocks the leafs lack creativity i mean i know theres not much you can do to a leaf but it could be a little more exciting but with the n and j the devils own this
leafs??shouldnt it be leaves?
Yeah NJ Represent
no its leafs
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