Just To Freak You Out, Part 2 of 5
I'm back with more weird and wacky designs from the world of hockey art. Prepare yourself.
What sports franchise first comes to mind when you think Miami? The Dolphins, right? Well what made them famous? Was it their colors or the fact that football is one of the most popular sports in the U.S.? Well, the colors, obviously! So to help out the Florida Panthers in becoming more famous, one designer swapped out their colors. Take a look.
Go ahead. Rub your eyes. You aren't seeing things. Can you believe that? One incredible design after another, I tell you. Still, I can do better.
You'll have to look closely to tell, but that, my friends, is another fascinating concept for the Tampa Bay Lightning. No crest. Crazy numbers. The most original design I think I've ever seen. Here's my question: Can anybody Photoshop this jersey onto a picture of a player? Because I totally want to see how that bad boy looks on the ice.The Phoenix Coyotes had a great logo when for some reason they decided to throw it to the wolves in 2003. They dropped out what made their logo unique and colorful. Guess bland is back. Or not, so this designer thinks. Check that out. It's a wonderful combination of old and new.
Kind of like this. And while we're on the subject of that crazy Canucks logo. What you really need to see is the fully-colored version.
How can you improve upon something like that? It's like finding pure gold in the Black Hills. Oh, and while we're still on the topic of Vancouver — all you Canucks-haters — feast your peepers on these.
Yesterday we had black and neon green. Today we've got black and sky blue. If I haven't freaked you out enough yet today, just wait until you see this. I'm going to make this lousy post come full circle right before your very eyes. Behold.
From Panthers to Canucks. And I don't even have the words to describe it. No words would be worthy of describing it.
You'll tell your grandchildren this story. And you know it. Stay tuned. More is on its way tomorrow.
I have to say, this was was 2x more freaky than yesterday's. The panthers one was a great way to end the part. Wow.
Woops. Sorry about the "Was Was"
i actually liked the panthers jerseys and the canucks with the blue white and black werent so bad
The Coyotes one made me laugh
Just giving you some clarification as to why the logo was changed in 2003 for the Coyotes.
The story goes that one of the conditions that Wayne Gretzky outlined when he became a managing partner of the franchise was that they change the logo. Can't verify it, but makes a hell of a stroy.
The coyotes logo reminds me of Frankenstein's monster, only funny instead of tragic.
That Tampa concept is just scary.
"The Phoenix Coyotes had a great logo when for some reason they decided to throw it to the wolves in 2003."
You, sir, are officially crazy. Their original logo was an abomination, not to mention their horrible sweaters. Their new look is gorgeous! Very Detroit Red Wings, but with a different red and a different, yet still classy, logo.
the lightning jerseys remind me of the "turn ahead the clock" days of the mid-90s MLB
that panthers/canucks jersey also uses the penguins current template
Is it any wonder that Luongo ended up on the Canucks.
Pure destiny!
Sorry FLA, I guess Bert would look good in that jersey ....
... oh wait sorry again. hehe
i put that canucks/panthers jersey together cause my bro wanted me to get a panthers design onto this site
I don't really think it's ugly but i guess it's like a mother can't think her kid is ugly
Chris, I will grant you that one's taste is subjective, but to say that the original Phoenix jersey was anything but hideous and an eye sore is beyond me. The new jersey (2003- present)is great...classic and traditional even though I hate cartoony logos, I can live with the lone Coyote head. Cliches, but I subscribe to them, LESS IS MORE, & SIMPLICITY IS BEST!
God were those concepts hideous. I don't care if they were meant to be real or not. Thankfully they never see the light of day in the real hockey world.
i see someone put the nuxcats logo i made up (or atleast VERY similar to it) onto a jersey..not bad
the logo came about when someone on CDC (canucks.com message boards) asked for a hybrid panthers/canucks logo not long after luongo came to the canucks...and thats what i came up with
yeah i did see the canucks/panthers design on cdc
i wuz gonna make one with the sharks logo but ms paint is too limited
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