Monday, August 27, 2007

Poll: Avalanche vs Wild


Place your vote and then feel free to leave a comment as to how you came to your decision. Tell all your friends to drop in and vote! The more voices heard, the more accurate the results!

Poll opening date
Aug 27 @ 4:22 AM
Poll closing date
Sep 3 @ 11:59 PM



Anonymous said...

I really like both of these logos, but what won it, to me, for the Wild is the landscape and shooting star inside the head. It's great that they used both a wild animal and "the wild" in the logo.

The Avalanche logo is great, but it just can't compete with the Wild.

Anonymous said...

This one is gonna be the tightest poll yet.

I voted for the wild because it's my favorite logo in the league. It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

I honeStly cAn't belieVE that this poll is so CLOse. I thought the AvalaNchE would win by a landslide (no pun intended). I just tHought the WIld moved ahead because they were aGainst the crappy ducks logo. I voted the AvalancHe because I like their colour scheme way more. If the Wild didn't have a Christmas look I would've voted for them but burgundy and blue beats green and red IMO.

Anonymous said...

Very clever logo from Minnessota, love it!

Anonymous said...

LOOK closely at thw WILD logo its in the shape of a animals head looks like a cougar or something!

Anonymous said...

Actually the Wild logo is in the shape of a wolf.
A reference to another Minnesota team. The Minnesota Timberwolves.

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure it's a bear, not a wolf. if it was a wolf, the snout would be longer and the ear would be more triangular.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks the wild logo looks more like a BEAR head (rather than a wolf or a cougar as suggested by others?)

Anonymous said...

The Wild logo is a bear silhouette with the wilderness motif inside. It's really very clever and well done and as I've never been crazy about the Avalanche logo - it seems unbalanced to me somehow - I give my vote to the Wild.

Anonymous said...


and it wipes its butt with the Av's logo (in the woods)

Anonymous said...

The Minnesota Wild are a professional ice hockey team based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Their symbol is a bear made to look like the wilderness

Anonymous said...

whoever designed the wild logo is a GENIUS. it is incredible and is easily one of my favorite logos in the league.

Anonymous said...

upon further inspection, it could just be a really fat rat.

Anonymous said...

The Wild logo has so much going on. Notice how the sun could actually be a moon and the streaks coming from they eye of the bear and the streak from the outline could be clouds in front of the moon. I predict The Minnesota Wild will have a great season based solely on their new logo.

-Keith Harris

Anonymous said...

No surprise this vote is split 50/50. Both of these logos are pretty weak. I voted for the Wild because it looks a bit more 'professional' than the minor-league looking Avalanche logo.

CliffStef said...

A logo should be a logo, not a friggin' Bob Ross painting. Happy little trees, happy little river, etc...

The Avs logo reeks of the mid 90's, but at least it's simpler.

My vote's for the Avalanche, though I hold my hose as I do it.

Anonymous said...

The Wild logo is overloaded, sometimes less is more. I’m going with the Av’s

Anonymous said...

wow so tight man go wild

Anonymous said...

wow you people are absolutely nuts, avs logo is much nicer as well as the colour scheme

imo the wild have one of the worst logos in the nhl, i can't believe this is so close

Anonymous said...

Wild all the way. I don't see how it is the weakest in the league. The av's logo is so plain. An "A" with a snow swipe going across.. WOW! ON the other hand the wild is a bear head with a north star, trees, a river, and the moon. Don't see how the Av's could be them out.

Anonymous said...

the wild logo is too busy and the color scheme is horrible. If this were a contest for images those 3-d images that have a hidden sailboat in them, then maybe the wild logo would be a good choice, but it's a sports logo, it's supposed to be emblematic and simple, easy to decipher and easy to recognize. the wild logo is emblematic, if I have 20 minutes to spare making out all the 'clever' bits and pieces, but I'm watching a hockey game and all I see is a mish-mash of christmas tree excrement.

Anonymous said...

The Minnesota logo may have the Star in the beast's eye (which is actually a reference to the previous Minnesota hockey franchise), but overall way too much clutter. So Avs get my vote.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this is even close! While I do like both logos, the Wild logo is sheer brilliance. Best logo in all sport... with the only one even close, imo, being the old Milwaukee Brewers logo (M,B that formed a baseball glove with ball inside).

Anonymous said...

upon further inspection, it could just be a really fat rat.

Comment of the day!

Anonymous said...

This ain't even close. The Avalanche easily beats the Wild, any day. Think about it, who the hell thinks that Minnesota is anything close to Wild. The name has no base within the state. When I think of Wild I think of the West, mountains, rapids, cougars, bears, wolves, lynxes, forests, know, WILD! Not Minnesota. It's the most boring place you could pick to be "Wild" next to Iowa. Just about the same level as Memphis having the "Grizzlies".

Second point- It is incredibly hard to design a logo based on a natural disaster. Look at the Hurricanes (both NHL and NCAA) and the Lightning, both good attempts, but it is so hard to encompass the sheer scale of the event into one logo while not enraging victims or their families.

The ability to link a region to a specific event is limited. There are no hurricanes in Montana, no tornadoes in California. You could even make the argument that the Wild could very well be the name of the Colorado franchise, but they chose something that happens, locally, something everyone is afraid of. The fact that the Avs have been able to have the name Colorado Avalanche (even though there are hundreds of Colorado avalanche deaths a year) and not be knocked for it for so long with such a good distinct logo should be applauded. I vote for the Colorado Avalanche.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the Avs, the Wild's logo is too cluttered and like someone said it the colour scheme is like Christmas. Avs logo is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Comparing Minnesota with Iowa... is just mean. I agree though, the Wild is pretty generic.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, the Wilds team name is based on the reaction of the fans and obviously you have never been to Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you've never been out of Minnesoooota!

G-man said...

wild wins this one

Anonymous said...

HA! Hilarious, whoever thinks MN isn't wild has never been here. The dude names off all the things he thinks are "wild" and MN has every one of those things other than mountains. What a joke - the Wild will take this one no doubt in my mind. Bunch of close-minded biased fans in here who probably couldn't tie a skate let alone play hockey.

Anonymous said...

This ain't even close. The Avalanche easily beats the Wild, any day. Think about it, who the hell thinks that Minnesota is anything close to Wild. The name has no base within the state....

Whoever wrote this is dumb. We are not voting on the best team name. Your argument changes gears from berating the Wild as a nickname to exhalting in the brilliance of the Avalanche LOGO, pick an argument...
The B on the front of the Bruins' sweater is a perfect example of how the two can be mutually exclusive.
I am not the biggest fan of the Wild logo (i don't think we can do better than the North Stars) However, the name is culturally signigficant, and to suggest it isn't is just... dumb
Go Gophers

sorry this is so long.

Anonymous said...

Avs win this one easy. The only reason I have is that the Wild logo looks like someone shot a bear with a make-up gun set on whore. Seriously, yuck city. The Wild do, however, have some very nice jerseys. Just not as nice as the Avalanche.

Anonymous said...

The Wild logo is seriously horrible. The colour scheme is even worse. It is unfortunate that Minnesota had to lose their original team to Dallas; the North Stars name, jersey , concept, and colour scheme etc... were all vastly superiour to what they have now.

Minnesota should completely change their jersey when they issue their new threads, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

"HA! Hilarious, whoever thinks MN isn't wild has never been here. The dude names off all the things he thinks are "wild" and MN has every one of those things other than mountains. What a joke - the Wild will take this one no doubt in my mind. Bunch of close-minded biased fans in here who probably couldn't tie a skate let alone play hockey."

Since when do you need to play hockey to have an opinion?

Anonymous said...

Ever stop and think about how conceptual the overall Colorado Avalanche brand identity is? Their logo not only evokes the power of a natural disaster, but suggests the hockey puck unleashed this raw power. Metaphorically speaking, the Avalanche (hockey team) is a force that cannot be stopped.

The branding is pushed one step further with the execution of the jerseys. Instead of traditional hockey bands, the trim is representative of mountain ranges--something synonymous with Colorado.

Lastly, ever stop to think about how metaphorical the shoulder patches are? The myth of Bigfoot (or Howler as you may) is also associated with mountains--this too suggests place / location (i.e. Colorado).

In short, all these elements--primary logo, jersey design, and secondary logo--were deliberate. These were all well thought out and their execution flawless.

This loyal Avalanche fan applauds the designers responsible for this wonderful brand identity.

P.S. Ready for my laud of the third jerseys? Those were smart, too! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love the wild logo, It has to be one of the best.

Anonymous said...

hats off to whoever wrote those paragraphs about the Avs logo!!! i;m glad people can finally realize how beautiful their logo is and how methodically it was created.


Anonymous said...

we here in MN aren't even sure what animal it's supposed to be. Let's just say it's a wild one!

best name too, cuz we automatically get every song with the word wild in it for a theme!

Anonymous said...

To those Avs fans who are crazy enough to think that your logo is any more thought out than that of the Minnesota Wild has lost his mind! I.E. North Star for and eye...River for a mouth...A tree line in the distance...And an overall logo design that (as past comments above atest) nobody knows what it is... a large cat...bear...or wolf. Whatever it is you can be sure it is WILD, not to mention the marketing genius of the name WILD! Sorry AVs you don't stand a chance.

Your logo looks like wind blowing an A-hole.

P.S. If anyone in the leage should have a BIGFOOT print on thier shoulder it should be Vancuver! Nice try again AVs! Mess with THE STATE OF HOCKEY and you get the horns!

Anonymous said...

These are two of the best logos in the league, it's a shame they have to meet this early. The Wild name relates to the rugged outdoors culture of hunting and fishing that is a huge part of Minnesota. It's a great name and a great logo. The Wild have the best logo in the league, but the Avalanche are a very close second. It's no surprise this is as close as it is.

Anonymous said...

One thing I have yet see anybody mention is the mouth of the Wild logo is not only a river but a river in the shape of the state bird in Minnesota, a loon. So just one more cleaver way of showing the Wild life of minny. My vote goes to the Wild but like other have pointed out the Avs have one of the best logos in the league also to bad they had to meet up in the second round and not later on in the tournament

Anonymous said...

the river isn't just the shape of a loon, it's the shape of an S, and there's an S in the spelling minnesota, brilliant! Are logos supposed to be Rorsarch tests nowadays?

Anonymous said...

HA! maybe if you stare at it long enough it turns into a schooner!

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the Avs.
Like one person above me has noted, the logo is very symbolic of the power of an avalanche. Living in Colorado, I know how devestating one can be, and when the Avs are on top of their game, they are one of the most devestating opponents to face.
The color scheme is also a strong point. The burgundy and blue is a strong visual metaphor for a Rocky Mountain sunset. Anyone who has been fortunate enough to see one knows exactly how the red fingers of dusk creep across the dark blue sky, with the silver clouds accenting it.
And the asshole who stated that we are trying to rip off the Bigfoot legend, you're wrong.
The foot bursting out of the snow can very easily be seen as a person bursting out of the snow after the torrent of nature comes crashing down on him. Very symbolic, much like a team who has been buried in a few seasons if disappointing losses, only to rise up and reclaim their glory, which the Avs will do.

I go for the Avs logo, hands down.

Anonymous said...

unlike some people here, i like Minnesota's color scheme but not the logo. This competition is about the logo, and the Wild's logo is just waaay to packed. NHL logos have always been simple and that's the way I like them. My vote goes to the avs for their simplicity and excellent color usage.

Anonymous said...

i dont really like either logo. but someone had to lose. my choice for the less ugly logo, the avs. the wild logo is just dumb, to much crap on it.

Anonymous said...

Wild jersery is absoutly brilliant...

the bear.... the moon... the trees... the river... just simply amazing

Anonymous said...

This one is tight as I expected it to be (I voted Wild although I actually like both logos). If any of you have time, do some justice for a great classic logo and vote in the Oilers/Hawks poll. It's way closer than it should be.

Anonymous said...

Two of the worst logos in all of sports.

I'm laughing hysterically reading the Wild supporters try to explain which animal is depicted in their logo. You guys are making a great case for everyone else to vote for the Avalanche just to shut you up... unless they just want the comedy to last another round.

Anonymous said...

Both are polished turds but the Wild logo looks like someone dropped an egg yolk on its head.

Eirhead said...

avalanche - 3/4
wild - 1/4
avalanche - 3/4
wild - 1/4
avalanche - 3/4
wild - 1/4
avalanche - 2/4
wild - 3/4

avalanche - 11/16
wild - 6/16

Anonymous said...

"Ever stop and think about how conceptual the overall Colorado Avalanche brand identity is? Their logo not only evokes the power of a natural disaster, but suggests the hockey puck unleashed this raw power. Metaphorically speaking, the Avalanche (hockey team) is a force that cannot be stopped..."

this logo designer applauds you for looking at a logo in an identity sense, rather than an "umm....i think it's pretty!" sense.

Anonymous said...

Wild is the most genial logo in the league! WILD FOR SURE!

Anonymous said...

sorry wild logo supporters, the votes are lose