Friday, July 6, 2007

Flames vs Coyotes


The Aesthetics
In an odd twist, both of these logos feel animate to me. I can almost see the flames flickering and hear the coyote howling. That's what you call strong logos. The reason that the Coyotes are getting this point over the Flames is that it feels a little more polished. That's understandable though, when you consider the 25 years difference in the age of the logos.

The Nickname
Fire pretty much burns up everything and if the Coyote couldn't escape the Flames, well, he'd be... toast.

The Analysis
Here's where we determine the winner of this match. The Coyotes logo is great but on looking at it, you don't really get a feel for where its from. And while you could make the case that the obvious desert colors point us to the southwestern U.S., I'd make the case that the flaming "C" will always stand for Calgary (despite anything I might have previously said that could indicate the contrary). Find me a Calgarian who doesn't recognize it. Or any hockey fan.



Thrashers vs Hurricanes


The Aesthetics
Both of these logos were introduced within a year of each other in the late '90s. The similarities I see are in the form of lots of sharp points. Also one has a hockey stick and the other a puck. Though the Hurricanes do a much better job of integrating the puck more subtly in that it's the "eye of the storm." I like that and the colors along with the logo's simplicity. But this wasn't an easy decision. The Thrashers logo is pretty killer too. Maybe if the Thrasher wasn't holding that dumb stick...

The Nickname
A Thrasher can't fly in a Hurricane. He'll become all disoriented and what have you.

The Analysis
Both teams have appropriate names for their particular locations. Both have great colors, though for a team that wears blue, the Thrashers logo doesn't make very good use of it. It's difficult to say who gets the point here, though. I see a Thrasher and I see a Hurricane and while neither makes an effort at representing Atlanta or the Carolinas, neither really needs to anyway. And though I can't say for certain exactly why, I feel this point should go to the Thrashers logo if for no other reason than that it doesn't deserve to be swept. Thus ending the series of shutouts for the Hurricanes.



Sharks vs Stars


The Aesthetics
Both of these logos have lost as many matches as they've won. So it would appear we're looking at a pair of mediocre logos here. But it doesn't really feel that way. Despite the unique colors — teal and silver — the Sharks logo is complicated and rather minutely detailed. It also features a hockey stick rather prominently. As a polar opposite, the Stars logo is simple and too features unique colors with a heaping side of giant letters. Obviously both logos could use an overhaul or at least slight improvements. Ultimately the edge is going to the Sharks for actually being a logo and not a wordmark.

The Nickname
Crazy huge, insane ball of fire hurling at lightning speed. The Star incinerates the Shark quicker than you could do half a blink.

The Analysis
Aside from its cosmetic shortfalls, the Sharks logo is rather fierce looking. It's what I think of when I think shark. It definitely captures the team's name. The Stars does a decent job too but it goes a step further, symbolizing its home state of Texas — the Lonestar State — with its single star. I'm not saying its perfect, but it gets my vote here.



Flyers vs Senators


The Aesthetics
It's funny. I never noticed the similarities between these two logos until just now. Both have wing-like elements on the left side and semi-circles on the right. Anyway, the Flyers logo has the same problem as the Sharks in the West. Too much black and not enough of the primary color. Find a way to make this logo more orange and then we'll talk. Until then, despite being a little heavy-handed with the detailing, the Senators logo is so much cooler looking.

The Nickname
Within the government, the Senator holds a lot of power over what laws should be passed to, say, protect endangered species, some of which may Fly. I know, a stretch, but you come up with something better. Seriously, comment away if you feel like it.

The Analysis
I'm not entirely sure what a Flyer is meant to be — perhaps a generic bird of some sort — but this competition is about logos, not team names. And when you say Philadelphia Flyers it's difficult for me to picture anything but the winged "P." So I'd say they got it right. I'm just not as happy with the Senators logo. I've heard rumblings that the Sens will go full-time with what is currently the third jersey logo. It's light years ahead of this one and I'd love to see them do it. Maybe then they can have this particular point.
