Flames vs Coyotes
The Aesthetics
In an odd twist, both of these logos feel animate to me. I can almost see the flames flickering and hear the coyote howling. That's what you call strong logos. The reason that the Coyotes are getting this point over the Flames is that it feels a little more polished. That's understandable though, when you consider the 25 years difference in the age of the logos.
The Nickname
Fire pretty much burns up everything and if the Coyote couldn't escape the Flames, well, he'd be... toast.
The Analysis
Here's where we determine the winner of this match. The Coyotes logo is great but on looking at it, you don't really get a feel for where its from. And while you could make the case that the obvious desert colors point us to the southwestern U.S., I'd make the case that the flaming "C" will always stand for Calgary (despite anything I might have previously said that could indicate the contrary). Find me a Calgarian who doesn't recognize it. Or any hockey fan.